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October 1st, 2015|Baseball|
There is nothing more rewarding than sharing the home team’s success with their loyal fans than by offering them the chance to win big. If one of the home team batters manages to hit a grand slam during the game, one randomly selected fan becomes a lucky winner. Up the ante and let Interactive Promotions Group choose which inning the grand slam must occur in.
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October 1st, 2015|Baseball|
It’s root, root, root for the home team! Test your player’s home run ability and get the ballpark roaring. Interactive Promotions Group will randomly select an inning and if your home team can score two home runs in a row during the inning, then one fan from the crowd wins. Make the contest even more challenging by requiring three home runs in a row instead of just two!
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September 30th, 2015|Baseball|
This promotion is a great way to get company sponsors involved in the game! You’ll have the chance to celebrate a home victory with the home team. Your company will select a number and if the home team scores a home run on that numbered pitch, then one fan wins. The winning number can be valid in one game or for an entire season to keep the winners coming!
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September 30th, 2015|Baseball|
There’s no run like a home run! Give your contestants the chance to feel like Babe Ruth with our Home Run Swing baseball promotion. In this contest, the batter has three swings out of five pitches to hit the ball out of the ballpark. If your participating fan hits a long fly ball over the outfield wall, then they go from being a batter to a winner!
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September 30th, 2015|Baseball|
Hearing “three strikes, you’re out!” during a baseball game can be a bad thing. Not anymore with this fun-filled promotion. In this contest, the participating fan will get to throw three pitches from the pitcher’s mound. If all three balls go through a target set up in the strike zone, then the contestant will win a grand prize. Now it’s “three strikes, you’re in, and you win!”
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September 25th, 2015|Baseball|
This contest is a great way to unite fans while also promoting the sponsor’s name. We’ll create a sign featuring the sponsor’s name and a hole large enough for a baseball to fit through it. Place the sign in home run territory beyond the outfield. Everyone wins if a home team player hits a homer through the hole in the sponsor sign!
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September 25th, 2015|Baseball|
Offer your fans the chance to earn an ultimate prize with this fun baseball contest! Fans may test their speed, accuracy, and ability to become a winner. They’ll have the opportunity to showcase their throwing skills by pitching a baseball through a target to win a grand prize. There are various target sizes to choose from so you may determine how challenging the contest will be.